National Survey of Implementation of United Nations recommendations on responsible use of ICTs by states in the context of international security
Start surveyOne Survey, three purposes
The National Survey of Implementation of United Nations recommendations on responsible use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) by states in the contect of international security (the Survey) collates national take-up of the recommendations from the 2015 GGE report, as endorsed by the 2021 OEWG and GGE reports, with a view to assisting assessment of their further development and implementation.
The Survey allows UN Member States to conduct regular self-assessments of national implementation of the recommendations. As such, the Survey serves as a baseline assessment tool as well as a tool available to all Member States to track their progress over time.
In addition, the user-friendliness of the platform and the ability to save and share questions and answers will facilitate internal coordination among different national agencies.
The Survey can support UN Member States in responding to the General Assembly’s invitation to continue to inform the Secretary-General of their views and assessments on the issue of developments in the field of ICTs in the context of international security.
The Survey further supports transparency, information sharing and confidence-building by giving UN Member States the possibility of making the results of the Survey publicly available on their national profiles on UNIDIR’s Cyber Policy Portal.

The Survey is set out in four parts, reflecting the four elements of the framework of responsible state behaviour in the use of ICTs:
The Surveys asks Member States to list measures taken consistent with the recommendations listed in the 2015 GGE report, as well as to identify challenges to implementation and/or specific gaps in capacity limiting implementation.
For context, relevant extracts from the 2015 GGE report, the 2021 OEWG Report, and the 2021 GGE report are included at the beginning of each part, and examples of implementation are also provided. However, it is recommended that the Survey is read alongside those reports in their entirety.
Background to UN Discussions on Responsible State Behaviour
The cumulative reports of the 2010 (A/65/201), 2013 (A/68/98) and 2015 (A/70/174) UN Group of Government Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies in the Context of International Security (GGE) consolidated a framework of responsible state behaviour, comprising the following four themes: